Thursday, December 15, 2011

What do you call a greedy man who steals oil?

I call him: Hugo Chavez鈥?/a>

CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez's government took over Venezuela's last privately run oil fields on Tuesday, intensifying a struggle with international firms over the development of the world's largest known petroleum deposit.|||1. We are not talking about Bush. Just because you cant defend Chavez, you try to change the topic. The topic is Chavez. Ill be the 1st to say Bush has screwed a lot of things up, but we are discussing Chavez.

2. Chavez is a douche.

3. Socialism never works, and here is this "free system" stifling economic freedoms.|||George W. Bush|||Slimy.|||Hilary|||Don't forget Dick!|||Sounds like their learning by example.|||Otherwise it'd be in Halliburton's hands. Geez, they aren't greedy.|||The entire Bush administration.|||I am a fared its there country and the can do what they want and if there people don't complain what can we do. And if we wanted to we have just a much oil in Alaska that they have we can drill because the libel will complain about the wild live thank you !!!|||GWB my friend..right in our own back yard!|||Thanks to Jimmy Carter and his OK on the rigged elections, we have another dictator to thank him for, Jimmy never met a dictator he didn't like.

He should have started pounding nails earlier in his life and keep his anti American comments to himself.

Can my grandma get back her deposit for an apartment if she decided not to rent the place anymore?

My grandma put in deposit for an apartment, she was suppose to move in but the manager did not finish fixing the place so the move in date was push back. During that time, another complex for low incomes had a vacant apartment and gave her the offer. The rent was cheaper and the place was better so she decided to take this one instead. She did call and tell the manager of the place she deposit to rent the place out. Can she get back all or part of her deposits?|||She could call fair housing and ask them or you could call for her.

I think because the apartment was not ready in time for her move in date and she was forced to find another place to live because of it she is indeed intitled to a full refund of her deposit.

The landlords here in California are the most calloused of them all and are very cutthroat and not to be trusted.

Especially the ones in the Bay Area where I live.

You have to know your rights or you don't have any it's as simple as that.

So call fair housing and find out what you can do about it and I hope everything works out for the best for you.|||Do you understand that often times the law is not black and white? There is a fair amount of reasoning that comes into play. Given ONLY what you described in the case above, I personally would say no, your grandma is stuck! Here's my thinking:

She entered into a good-faith agreement. HAD the apartment manager fixed the place on time, your grandma would have been in the apartment at the time the other one came along. You can see that she could not have just up and moved to the new apartment, right? But you say, "Wait! She never moved in. The repairs delayed the move-in date, which opened up this can of worms."

Okay, reading between the lines I can see that at THE MOMENT when it was determined that the repairs were causing a delay, your grandma still wanted the apartment. Sure, maybe she was disappointed that her move was delayed. Maybe she was even irritated by the thought, what's taking so long? But she did NOT try to get out of her contract right then. That's huge! At that moment, it was NOT the repairs that made her want out of the contract. So, in effect, she entered into a NEW contract when she agreed to the delay to her moving in. THEN this better deal came along and she began to have buyer's remorse. I don't see how a court would say that because she changed her mind (in the face of a better deal) that she suddenly should get her money back. I certainly wouldn't rule that way!

But ... judges and jurors are people, just like me. So, nothing surprises me that they might rule.|||Hello,my name is Don. i am not a legal adviser ,but do have ( limited )0 knowledge of deposits on property.

Much will depend upon the actual wording ,(nd there ought to be a written contract ), and it is this that would detemine the "get out" terms . Should your granma have signed a " no refund " lease,then she must wave her deposit goodbye ,but

should she have a two sided agreement as that either party could opt out ,then the agent ? owner of the property would be able to retain such monies as would be necessary to re-advertise the property. However ,there may be get out of jail free here . The given date for your granma to take posession was not met,and were your granma " homeless" ,and had thought that after finding a suitable " roof over her head",she now had lost faith in the agent / owner ,it would be reasonable for her to seek alternative housing. She COULD possibly have a case not only to get her deposit returned ,but could have cause to seek financial assistance from the agent / owner /person letting the property,in order for her now financial needs in finding another property. Traumatisation could be a factor should she have to resort to court action against her being let down. A LAST RESORT HOWEVER AS IT COULD GO HORRIBLY WRONG. All best Don|||I think she can get all of it. If the original one was not ready when promised, I suspect a person has a right to find somewhere to live. If he tries to keep her deposit, take him to small claims, and make sure to ask for the filing fees!|||She should get all of her deposit back because she never lived in it and the manager didn't even have it ready in the first place to rent out. If he does not give her back her deposit she may have to take him to small claims court.

Is it right for a home improvements company to cold call elderly people, say they are in the area, and make an?

appointment to call around to see if any work needs doing. Two men turn up, wearing gold chains, give a quote of 拢4000 for a leaking roof, where someone tried previously to steal the lead, then use the residents phone to see if they can reduce the price from their boss, finally bringing it down to 拢2500, taking 拢300 cash deposit as it was all she had....they originally wanted 拢700.|||Cold Calling is legal but is a very stinky and nasty practice. If there are a suspected pair of scammers doing the rounds in your area then please call the police and give them as much information as you can.

The description, colour, make, model and reg number of their van will help. Also the dates and times of their calls if you can gather this Information.

The "call to the boss" is very suspicious indeed. It is likely that it was a fake call to a premium rate number that will show up as an expensive item on the victim's phone bill. It is worth checking the bill for the number that was called and getting the police to investigate it. This is something which may lead them to the scum bags.

If they really are crooks then they'll be stopped. But in the very unlikely event that these people are genuine builders they will not mind being investigated and proven to be honest traders.|||I live in such a community. There are scammers like this coming to our door quite often. Our local news letter constantly has warnings about these scammers! Run these people off! They are up to no good!

Case in point: Our neighbor across the street had a new roof put on her house. About 8 months after she had it installed, some dude came to her door and said he could spray a sealant on her roof that would keep it from leaking. She is an 80 year old lady who lives by herself. She paid this guy $2,000 USD to spray something on her roof that caused the asphalt shingles to buckle up over the first summer. Her new roof is totally ruined.

Your friend should not have them work on the leak, but rather she should contact a totally different company and have them do the work if it is really needed. These guys are scammers! Once they get her money, they are either going to disappear or bleed her to death of her cash to get the job finished!|||My approach is to tell such scammers that the garden hose is 10 feet away, and has about a 40 foot range. Then I let the township know that they are in the neighborhood - it is illegal without a solicitor's license, something only legitimate contractors (who would never take this approach) would get.

Twice, I have run into a stubborn sales person - and had the wonderful opportunity to dampen his ardor whilst he was still on the property.|||There are loads of little pensioner's houses in our area and us neighbours have warned them all never, ever, talk to workmen or salesmen at the door. Just say, 'No, thank you, I'm not interested ', and close the door.|||sounds like another person or group taking Advantage. Elder abuse of all types happen. Call then and ask for the money back. Call the police and see if these people are lic.

good luck,|||This is a con and is one that is regularly played on the elderly - contact the police right away.|||No, it's a scam.

Don't Get Done, Get Dom / Rogue Traders / Watchdog.|||It's a scam. Tell the police, they need to be aware.

What is the maximum amount of time that a UK landlord can take to repay a security deposit on a flat?

I live in London and moved out of my flat almost a month ago. The landlord -- and the completely incompetent lettings agency called Inzo -- still have not returned my deposit. Furthermore, they are coming up with excuses to delay the return of the deposit. What is the maximum amount of time I have to wait before I seek a legal solution?|||I think you need attorney to explain the British laws which are different from American. I'm study words from British terms and very helpful!

What do you do when your landlord doesnt return your security deposit?

We relocated from CA to GA in February. When I called my landlord in march, he mentioned that he had to replace the carpet in the whole apartment which cost him $1500 (our deposit was 1150). I have since tried calling him but he never returns my calls.

The carpet needed replacing even before we moved in, so I dont believe we need to pay for it (or atleast the whole amount). Also I had requested for him to do a walkthrough of the apartment before we left and he said he never does that with any of his apartments. I researched CA rental law, and sent my landlord a detailed letter outlining my concerns, the law and the procedure for not refunding a security deposit (none of which he followed.)

I received the letter back yesterday as unclaimed? How do I proceed now.|||According to CA law the landlord has 21 days in which to either return your deposit or provide you with an itemized accounting of the way in which your deposit was used. If the landlord uses any of the deposit then he must provide you with copies of all invoices and bills at the time that he gives you the itemized accounting.

If the landlord fails to return your deposit or provide the itemized accounting of your deposit within 21 days then you must make a written demand for it. Since you sent one letter already, I suggest that you send another letter demanding the return of your full security deposit immediately. Send two copies of the letter--one by regular mail and one by certified mail, return receipt requested. If he does not accept the certified letter but the one mailed by regular mail is not returned then it is assumed by a court that the one sent by regular mail was received.

If he still doesn't return the deposit after your written demand, file a lawsuit in small claims court. You can file the claim by mail. If the judge determines that the landlord acted in bad faith you could be awarded 2x the amount that was wrongfully withheld. Since your deposit was $1150 a judge could award you $2300. This might be worth taking a trip to CA for a day or two for the trial.


I am not a legal expert but I found myself in a similar situation and did extensive research on the subject. Your landlord is required to give you a written detail of the deductions from your security deposit within 30 days. If he fails to do so he forfeits any right to keep any portion of your deposit.

I believe that your recourse is in small claims court. Before filing a suit against him I would request written documentation of when the carpet was last replaced. Your case will probably be a simple one if he cannot prove the age of the carpet or if it is old or if he has not followed the law.

I hope that it all works out for you.

-God Bless|||The jerk knows you're out of state so he's being a creep. CA law says he has 30 days to give you your deposit OR a detailed list as to why. CA also says that if the carpet is more than 3 years old, he can't charge you to replace it.

You should ALWAYS insist on both a pre-move and post-move walk through AND document it with pictures. I usually take pictures with the landlord standing there so he knows I have them (and I take more without him).

Unfortunately I think (not sure) you have to file in CA smalll claims court. You might be able to file in GA since that is where you now reside but I think the law says "where it happened" which would put you back into the local courts.

You can pay a CA lawyer to get this started for you. Have the lawyer start with a letter that adds that you will be suing to include legal costs since he is clearly taking advantage of the fact you left the state.

You could have a friend back in CA send you the appropriate papers to file yourself in CA (mail them back to the friend to file with the court) and only fly back for the hearing. This you could do without a lawyer.

Do you have any evidence of the condition of the apt both before and after?|||It sounds like you did your homework when you researched CA rental law and you were considerate enough to contact your landlord outlining your concerns, the law and procedures. There should also be a procedure in the CA rental law and the law itself for you to follow when you have a landlord who is not willing to even acknowledge you or return your money. Check out the procedure and if you are unable to find it, speak to a law enforcement agency, they will network you to who or what is available for you to follow. That landlord is still around, he chooses not to acknowledge you. Sounds like this isn't the first time he has done this. Good Luck|||go right away to small claims court and file against the landlord. usually within two weeks you'll be before the judge and if the landlord doesn't show. the judgement could go to you with a order to pay. if he does show up, then the judge could order mediation which you will go to another room with a mediator. if you can't resolve it, then you go back to the judge right away and he makes the ruling. go to your county courthouse and get the forms. most will have on the forms everything you will have to do and from the sound of it, the landlord might have a history of ripping people off. check with the state horel and resturant board. they license landlords to rent. check your local bbb to see if other complaints have been filed against this landlord. in small claims, you don't need any attorneys, but you can use one. if you have a friend that is one, take your case to them and if they take it, they can ask for their fees in addition. you should also have a local bar association that helps people out with situations like yours for little or no money. good luck!|||鈥?/a> (has a pop up...don't click on it after it pops up)鈥?/a> (Government site)

He is going to have to prove that the carpet was fine before you moved in. Since he with held the $$, the burden of proof is on him. Check the sites for reporting him.

Send him the letter again, registered. Save the original envelope, though.|||First decide whether you really think it is going to be worth your while.

Do you have photographs of the carpet and the apartment as you left it? Without documentation, you likely have no leg to stand on.

In many areas he would have been obligated to refund your deposit or to send you a letter itemizing the expenses deducted from it within thirty days. It seems that he is not inclined to do business on the "up and up" so be prepared for further antics.

Replacing carpet due to "fair wear and tear" is a cost of your landlord maintaining his rental property, but if you left it significantly stained or damaged, you may be liable. $1500 seems rather high, but I am not in the California market, and I do not know the quality of the carpet or the square footage of the carpeted area.

Send your letter again, but send it certified, return receipt. You may need to file in small claims court. Due to your cross country move, this may end up costing you more than you can hope to regain, due to travel and time requirements.

You could consider trying to have your case heard on one of those televised judge shows. I know they are frightful, but.... They pay for your travel, and pay the judgement. It could be a less expensive "way out" for both parties.|||Don't play his game. File a claim against him. He only has so much time to respond or he can be charged 2-3 X the amount of the security he owes you. You need to send him a certified letter requesting the refund. Find the law on how long he has to answer, if no answer in the allotted amount of time SUE him.

In the certified letter make sure you send the same one you sent him that he sent back and get it notarized and save 2 copies of it!

Remember the law of normal wear and tear! He's a crook and A lot of landlords are when it comes to the deposit. They will try just about anything to keep your monies!

A lot of states have news reporters that love to embarrass the hell out of the crooks,we have news 9 on your side where they investigate such things and bring these crooks to the attention of the public. It's a good possibility you could consider.|||=== well you're in one of those pesky if/or situations. you're out of state and across the country, which is why this guy pulled this. you can and should take him to small claims court, IF you're willing to return to Ca for trial, OR if you're willing to pay for an attorney, which will take the whole $1150.|||You can take him to small claims court, but you will have to do it in CA. You need to decide if the cost of taking him to court is worth what you might get out of it.|||I have the experience which is very recent and my land lord refused to give me back the security deposit.He is a Union man,and takes the plea that I have done this damage that damage to the building I was staying.In my lease agreement it was clearly mentioned I must give 2 months rent as security deposit.Now office is out of picture.I believe only a mutual negotiation can solve the matter.And I have askedhim to return my money.Now let me see how much time he takes.Legally there is recourse,but again it will not serve any purpose simply because it is lengthy process and I can not equally afford to just fight other than asking my money..But five years back when I was in another place in another city,the lease deed and notice of lawyer worked fine.|||you should find a good lawyer who is well versed in CA laws, he could tell you more than i can, but i am pretty sure that if he can show evidence that YOU are to blame for the carpet needing replacing, you don't have a case, but if you happen to have photos that can show the condition of the carpet both shortly after you moved in and shortly after or immediately after you moved out, you have a case|||take him to court|||We had a similar problem but not due to the carpet. Ours was about a second floor tub. Our tub leaked, and went into our kitchen, 3 days after we moved in. So about a month before we left the apartment (we lived there a year) they finally sent someone in to fix it. But the person who fixed it had steel toed boots and kept flicking the tiles into the tub. The management said we would have to pay 700 dollars extra for a new tub.

We wrote back, and told them that we would report them to the BBB (Better Business Bureau) for having us pay for something their hired help destroyed. We told them we had pictures to prove of the damage. They dropped the charges and we never heard anything else about it because they knew they were wrong.

Now in your case, you had a 1150 deposit but replaceing the old carpet that you moved in with was 1500, he can not charge you because most likely he had already charged the last tenant. If he didn't, that is his fault and his loss, because he can not charge you for something you didn't have control over. Talk to the BBB about it since he didn't claim the letter. Tell them the apartment you lived in, owners name, your name, the dates you lived there, any pictures that you have with the carpet...(this really helps your case) and exactly what went down. Include your rent, the deposit and how much of the repairs it would have been for a new carpet. Don't let that person steal from you! Take control. Talk to the BBB! They can be found at this website I have personally not been at this site because we had the matter resolved before we went there, but since your's is not resolved Id look at all the possible options you have on this site. I really hope this helps and I hope you get your money back.|||If you have his address you should take him to small claims court and get a judgement against him

Where's my refund, says I should receive it by today, what number should I call to see where my refund is?

I filed on the 17th, I got accepted on the 19th, Original dd day 1/30, then 2/3 now 2/10, today is 2/10 and no deposit. It still says Your refund is processing, as long as no errors are found, you should receive your refund by today. What phone number to I call to find out where my refund is? Thanks in advance!|||1-800-829-1040 option 2 then option 3 then just wait and wait and wait.....|||If the date says today then it should be today. Has the dd date changed at all let me know and I can help you. I have been through this before.

Can I get my deposit back if my reason for canceling is bad customer service?

The contract said the deposit is non refundable but the reason I want to cancel is because I didn't get appropriate customer service. I have been blown off by the staff ever since I put down the deposit money and I'm really tired of hearing I'll call you back and never getting a call.

Is there anyway I could get my deposit back? The deposit was for $3,200 and they have not done ANYTHING other then refuse to take my phone calls.|||you agreed to no refund.

otoh, if you think you are not getting what you paid for, small claims court is an option.

I recommend a better argument then "I want my deposit back" - how about "they are breaking the contract by not meeting their obligations A B and C and the only and best remedy is to cancel the contract and refund any remaining funds"?

Be prepared to show a careful accounting of "remaining funds" and be prepared to argue why their accounting is incorrect.

Then maybe you will get something.|||If you have a friend who is a lawyer ask for a sheet of his stationary and write a letter with his knowledge,of course asking for a response. Otherwise you should get a lawyer and have him take a shot at it. You may only get half back after paying the lawyer but the company doesn't' deserve it and lawyers need to eat to. You will also have to prove that you didn't recieve the expected service and that you tried to remedy the situation. Document everything.

What happens with my GI Bill direct deposit if I no longer have that account?

I attended school last year and my GI Bill was direct deposited but I changed banks over the summer and couldn't get anyone to answer the phone when I called the VA to change my account. My first check is supposed to come in October. Will they mail me a check or am I going to have to keep trying to call?|||Why not make the changes 'on-line'鈥?/a>


How do I update my address and Direct Deposit information?


If you are currently receiving benefits or have received benefits in the last year, the WAVE online system is the simplest way to update your address and Direct Deposit information.

To update your Direct Deposit or address online:

1. Click here to access the WAVE web site, or cut and paste the following link to your browser:

2. Click the tab that says "log in instructions" at the top of the page, and follow the instructions to log on to WAVE.

3. On the main menu page once you have logged in, click the link to the left that says "Direct Deposit Enrollment Form" or "Change of Address" depending on what you need to do. Both procedures can be completed online.

4. If you don't have access to WAVE, these requests can be submitted using the "Ask a Question" tab in the "Questions and Answers" section of the GI BILL web site.

To update your Direct Deposit or Address by phone:

You can contact our Direct Deposit center at 1-877-838-2778 to update your Direct Deposit information. Changes of address can be completed by calling 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).|||You are going to have to call, or see if your school will try for you. The money would be sent back as non-deliverable because the account was closed. So you need to give them the correct information.

Wrong Info Tax Refund Direct Deposit?

I just realized that my account number is off by a single digit for my tax refund direct deposit. It is scheduled to be deposited this Fri 2/1. Is it possible to call them and just ask for a paper check instead?|||If the number you entered is a valid account number you have just given them a gift of your refund. The IRS will not help once the money is in the wrong account. You may be able to catch it by calling them ASAP. If the account number is an invalid account you will get a paper check at the address on the return but it will take a couple of months. The bank may be able to tell you if the number you entered is a valid number or not. It is unlikely they would tell you who's account it is.|||You can call IRS and tell them your situation. You can still have the check deposited into your account, but it may take 2-7 days, which is shorter than you asking for a paper check. I went through the same thing last year and it took about a week for them to deposit my money. DON'T call your bank because the bank doesn't have anything to do with your tax return, they deal with your money. So please call IRS.|||Call your bank asap. Tell them about the error. It is possible that no one else has that account number. The bank can tell you. Good luck.|||Yes,if the IRS got the wrong or missing number,they will hold your money unless you call them ASAP and let them know what you wnat to do|||No, you can't just call them about it. When the bank doesn't accept the direct deposit they'll automatically send you a paper check, but it will probably be a couple weeks.|||Yep, that's one I definitely would pick up the phone for.

BTW, the chance of another account at your bank being different by one digit is very low. Banks assign account numbers with a deliberate skipping system so that even consecutively opened accounts will be different by a figure of 13 or 9... So if the refund got as far as the direct deposit stage, most likely the refund would bounce back to the IRS.

But I think phoning tonight or tomorrow is a good idea. :D

Can bank of America legally re-open a closed account because i forgot to cancel my direct deposit?

I had a check/saving, and a overdraft account.

on 2/23 i went down to the branch, closed the check/savings, and they told me i had to call a # to close the credit overdraft protection account. I called that number, and closed that.

a week later when i forgot to cancel my direct depsoit, the bank reopened the checking account, and the credit overdraft account. 2 autobills were paid, this drew my account negetive, and incured the overdraft protection...leaving me a money owed balance on my account.

I just went down to the bank, they gave me a doc that says under closed account "if you are we close your account, we may either return deposits, check or other items that we receive after your account is closed or we may reopen the account and accept the deposit or debit for you, even if doing so overdraws your account, without being liable to you. you agree to pay immediately all amounts you owe us"

CAN THEY LEGALLY DO THIS? DO I HAVE A CASE? PLEASE ONLY ANSWER IF YOU HAVE REFS!|||It's not the bank's fault you forgot to cancel the direct deposot. When the deposit got made, they had to do something with the money, and as per their document, they opted to reopen the account. I suspect that that document was part of the paperwork that you signed when you opened the account. When you opened the account, you also accepted their terms and conditions of how they would handle the acount. Just because you forgot all this doesn't relieve you of the responsibility of your actions (or inaction) causing the account to be reopened.

If you really think you have a case (and as you probably have gathered from my above comments, I don't think you do), you could try taking them to small claims court, or talk to your state's Attorney General office.

From your description of the events, it sounds like you're the one at fault here, especially if the payments that caused the overdrafts were bills you had to pay anyway. Cancelling the autobills is also your reponsibility. Having them bounce because the account was closed probably would have caused you other fees and charges.

Learn to handle your money more responsibly, and learn from this to know what the terms and conditions of a bank account are before you accept it. The more freebies and "conveniences" it comes with, the harder it is to get out of. The banks know this: that's why they offer them.

My apartment complex sent me notice after I vacated the apt. that said I would be refunded a secuirty deposit?

it said my full security deposit would be returned to me within 45 days. Well now it has been 70 days and they still have not mailed it. Every time I call I am being told that they switched management companies and that has been put on the back burner. I live in Virginia. How do I get my security deposit back?|||File a suit in small claims. They'll move it up a couple burners in order to make it go away. Also, I would call the BBB in their town and file a complaint.|||I would start moving up the chain of command, and not just whoever answers the phone. Document all of your calls - date, who you talked to, what was said. Even if they changed management companies, security deposits should be kept in escrow and you should get it back.

You could also take them to small claims court. Keep your evidence and document your attemtps to collect, a copy of the lease agreement, to use in court.|||It sounds like management issues. You will probably have to sue them for it. Go to the court house and they should be able to tell you what forms you need to fill out and how much it will cost. Make sure you take a copy of that letter.

They do not get more time because of their internal management problems.

Put a deposit on a cruise but restaurant prices went up?

I put a deposit on a cruise. I asked for a list of prices for restaurants (saved for what i wanted to do) and now after I have paid the ticket in full and past the refund date I went on their website to put in reservations and all of the prices went up 10-15 dollars! :( should i call and complain? will i get anywhere?|||It never hurts to complain. Their in the hospitality industry so they are consistently used to complaints by customers and commonly give customers extra things to make them happy. I bet if you call you will get something out of it, if not nothing lost!|||I would cancel the restaurant reservations and eat in the main dining room for no extra charge. If you have already paid for them then they should give you a refund or at least a ship credit that you can put toward your tip or other on board expenses. If worse comes to worse you can tell them to take off the charge for the tips (usually $11/day) and they have to do it as it is not mandatory. Talk to customers relations once you are on the ship. They DO like to have satisfied customers.|||Something does not sound correct.

The cruise lines have had specialty restaurants that charge extra, but most that I am aware of charge $30-$40... so a $10-$15 increase seems odd.

Some ships that don't have separate speciality restaurants have introduced something where you can order some special meal served to you in the main dining room for an additional $10-$20 charge.

However, your typical Cruse dining in the Main Dining Room is available to you at no additional charge.

My guess is that unless you made a reservation at a certain price, they are able to change prices... just as if they changed their drink prices, spa service prices, etc.

But if they did what you describe... as you described it, it seems like a raw deal to me! I doubt if you will get it changed, but I would certainly ask, and I would make a huge point of it when you do the review at the end of the cruise. They do read those.

Good luck... I'd hate to see you get put off by something before you even get on the ship!|||I am not sure, what you mean, that all of the prices went up 10-15 dollars. For the speciality Restaurant - since this is what cruise lines charge for. The other Restaurants are included in your cruise fare.

Please be more specific with cruise line / ship and what you are actually trying to book, when you talk about Restaurant.

Thank you

How come sometimes my direct deposit shows up on Friday, and sometimes Monday?

I am 17 and employed at McDonalds, and I use a local bank called VyStar. Sometimes, I get my direct deposit paycheck on Friday evenings, and sometimes on Monday mornings. Does anyone know why that might be? It's quite frustrating because I get all these plans and stuff for the weekend, and then I have no money.

Thanks in advance for your input.|||I get payed direct deposit on Thursday but sometimes it doesn't clear in my account until Friday or Monday. Checks sometimes just need an extra day or two to clear. Its as simple as that. One reason it might take an extra day or two clear are major holidays like Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Christmas. It also comes down to the time the check was put in to your account. It was put in late in the day it won't show up until the next day.|||holidays like Thanksgiving would probably delay it if they didn't send the money to the bank a day earlier

if Friday is payday, the money should be in your acct Friday morning.

If payday is Monday, then it is just luck if you happen to get it Friday and you shouldn't be expecting it any earlier than Monday|||G

It has to do with when your employer's payroll is released. The bank can't credit it until it is transmitted. If they miss the cutoff time, it can;t go through until the next banking day. So it may be your employer closing out and approving the payroll, or it could be the payroll company ....

Soccerref|||I can see how much i get payed on sunday and the transaction is done by monday morning

I closed my bank account today totally forgetting about my tax return being deposited. What number do I call?

I'm from Michigan and filed with Turbotax online. I'm expecting the return around the 15th.|||calling the bank won't resolved your problem.....also there's no way that they could able to REOPEN that same account AGAIN.

call IRS

Telephone Assistance for Individuals:

Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040

Hours of Operation: Monday 鈥?Friday, 7:00 a.m. 鈥?10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska %26amp; Hawaii follow Pacific Time).|||Call the bank.

If they can't reopen the account and the deposit bounces, the IRS will send a paper check.|||Call the bank and beg to reopen the account. If the account is closed then the refund will be returned to the government. Then the government will probably send you a check. You can't change your info with the government, so your best bet is to get the bank to reopen your account.

How long does it take to receive direct deposit check from Michigan Unemployment?

I have been qualified for receiving Unemployment benefits in the state of Michigan. I did receive my first check by direct deposit a few weeks ago. I called customer support and asked how long does it take after calling Marvin. Has anyone received their unemployment check in about 2 days? I am really broke, and behind on some bills here. HELP PLEASE!!|||I called in my certification on Friday, July 11th and still haven't gotten my direct deposit. (Today is the 20th.) Good luck! I hope we both get ours soon!

When you call a hotel in Las Vegas (hard rock hotel), do you need to place a deposit down when you call them?

Wondering if I need to give them a down payment/pay in full on a cabana rental that will be in a few weeks. Only reason I ask is because I am going with 9 friends and everyone knows how hard it is to coordinate money and payments ahead of time if you don't all live by each other and I don't want to put down that much money yet!|||nope! you pay when you check out!|||More than likely what they are saying for the $1000 is that this is the fee for the Cabana but you get credit for $1000 in food or drink billed to the Cabana and if you don't use the full $1000 they keep the rest. You can get bottle service or food delivered and they take it from your deposit.

But call back a couple times and speak to different people there and see what they say about Cabanas

Their number: 702.693.5555|||You pay up front , when you check in.

Since we filed our taxs we moved and closed the account that had the direct deposit.?

Who do we call or contact to get the check sent to us, not deposited to an account thats not active?|||The IRS will attempt a direct deposit, it will be rejected and they will send you a check to the address that was on your 2007 tax return. The check will then be returned to the IRS by the post office and IF you left a forwarding address they will send the check to your new address. It is going to be delayed...|||Unfortunately you can't change your bank info with the IRS, the deadline has passed. The IRS will attempt to deposit it and when it is rejected they'll process your rebate as a paper check. Make sure you've done a change of address with the post office. Checks will go out in June, I'd call the IRS if you haven't seen the check by the end of July, as it will take a bit for the check to get to you. So sorry.|||You don't call anybody - it's way too late for that. The bank will reject the deposit and notify the IRS, and then they'll send you a paper check. You don't need to do anything - and there's nothing you can do about it.|||I think it might depend on how you filed your taxes. If they sent your refund check in the mail, then it will come that way most likely. Mine came direct deposit, because that's where my refund goes with Turbo Tax.|||That was a dumb thing to do. Call the bank and ask if you can re-open the account, or try to call the IRS and give them your new bank acct #. Good luck.|||make sure you have your addressed changed through the post office first and I would go to and let them know. It may take a little longer to get your check, but you'll get it! I hope this helps!!|||call thee irs directly. it may be too late, but the bank may also tranfer it (unlikely). why didn't you just wait a few weeks?|||You should of receive your rebate first before you closed your account.|||Call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040.|||call the IRS

Did anyone know that if u used Turbo Tax you get mailed a check instead of direct deposit?

I called the IRS today and they said if u used turbotax "technically" u got mailed a check since they mailed it to them and then Turbotax deposited into ur bank account.

call 1-800-829-0582 x

726 for questions|||It depends on how you recieved your tax refund. Did you recienve a paper check? or did you get a direct deposit? In the same form that you got your tax refund Treasury will send you the stimulus package.|||I didnt use turbo tax , I used H%26amp;R Block,, thou I read if you used Turbo tax or similar programs,, you couldn't receive your payment by direct deposit,, You will receive paper check

What is the best way for Military to call from Iraq to USA? Calling plan suggestions Phone cards? Need Advice?

Hi my husband is in the Marines and deploying to Iraq next week around the 16th does anyone know of a phone service that you deposit money to pay into for a card with minutes where they give the soldier a pin # to call home? You get minutes by the money you had payed in. He said something like Spyware or something, but i cant find any online info for it. Any suggestions on a phone company that does that or any good calling cards that you have had experience with? Know any companies that donate phone cards to the military? Thanks alot, Amber|||AT%26amp;T has the contract to provide phone service from Iraq for both military and civilians. They have calling center/internet cafe places on every base. The ones for the civilians have been connected via satellite to the home office in the USA so the calls are charged to the ATT phone cards as domestic calls.

The military calling centers haven't been connected by satellite and the phone cards are hard to obtain through the px's on the base. When they are available they are very expensive. The familys have to buy the phone cards in the US. These domestic cards are then charged with international rates so a 300 minute card is only good for about 90 minutes worth of calls.

Some of the bases have a program where the chaplains are getting AT%26amp;T cards donated so they are available to the members of the military whose familys can't afford the cards. This to me is a very bad system -in every other war zone in history-the military had free phone calls home. AT%26amp;T is making a fortune off our military and their familys.|||The other answers are all great, but find out if he will have frequent computer access. During his 4th tour, my hubby was lucky enough to have frequent computer access so he used Skype to call home.|||When I am away from for TDY or deployments I buy phone cards at the local AAFES, they are probably the best for the money. Phone cards are also donated by civilian organizations and businesses, however I don't know how to get hold of them.|||HI there, yes I have both son over there right now.. the cards you want are the SPAWAR cards. go to the site and open a new account, then you can buy the minutes he will need. check out the rates also..

It is 4 cents a minute and what both son's use.. They have a special secured phone in the internet cafe's where they can use them.. Thank your husband for his service Ma'am..

Semper Fi|||Depending on where he is going to be stationed, will depend on the best course to take. There are phone centers at most military bases in Iraq. However, you tend to have to stand in line waiting and then you might only get a few minutes to talk at a time. When I was in Baghdad, I was able to purchase a cell phone and charge it with minutes. It allowed me to call home and anywhere else I wanted to. It wasn't the most cost effective. About 30 cents a minute.

If he has a lap top computer and internet access (which is possible, but not as reliable as we have here in the states), then he can use Skype, or NetZero Voice. I used both of these, and for about $15 a month you get unlimited international calling, and you also get your own phone number. It is a good alternative, when the internet is working well.

The last suggestion, and one I did not try, is a satellite phone. These are expensive, and the monthly bill is outrageous, but it is the most reliable and can be used almost anywhere in the world.|||You can try this one ATT card:鈥?/a>

Horse Health, Spook the horse has whats called a bone spur and a calcium deposit can it be cured?

My mom and I want to lease a horse named Spook, but he has a bone spur on his left knee I believe, he also has a calcium deposit built over it. What can be done to help the horse or get rid of it, can we even do anything? The horse rides well and doesn't seem to be in any apparent pain but were at a loss here. Is there a surgery that can be done or should we just not lease the horse at all? Any info about bone spurs would help me alot. Thanks!|||You might want to visit the source material website below to learn more about bone spurs.|||yes you should take it to a vet and they will help.

When you do direct deposit at an employer? Can they put the money in different banks?

I know that you can break it so a % goes into savings, etc

But can you break it so 20% goes into 5 different checking accounts at different banks?

Why do I ask? Many banks offer $100 to open a checking account

And the minimum direct deposits are not that high

And yes, I know I can call my employer and ask - just curious|||This is a puny plan for making money...|||You can open a new account and transfer the direct deposit to it.

You cannot tell your employer that you want 50% here and 50% there. They won't do it.

Chasing (and I know the bank is Chase) the $100 isn't going to work more than once.|||Asking your employer is what you're going to have to do.

Not every employer even offers direct deposit.|||most will|||Can they put the money in different banks?

Sure they CAN, but will they?? I'm guessing NO. The form that I filled out to do this (direct deposit), only had room for one bank routing #.

What is my recourse when my landlord is not returning my deposit after I moved out for 3 weeks in Louisiana?

My landlord is not answering my phone call and she never gave us an address. One time we got through to talking to her and she used the excuse of grass growing long in the backyard. The deposit is $600 and after I have moved out for more than 3 weeks, I have yet to receive an itemized list of any reasons or expanses for not returning partial or in whole of the entire amount of my deposit.|||A lessor who holds a deposit from a tenant for the faithful performance of the lease is required to return the deposit within one month after the termination of the lease. However, the lessor can retain all or any part of the deposit that is necessary to remedy a default by the tenant or to repair unreasonable wear to the leased premises. As long as the tenant has not abandoned the premises prior to the termination of the lease, the landlord is required to give the tenant an itemized statement showing why the deposit or any part of it was withheld. If the deposit is not returned and no written statement is given to the tenant, the tenant can demand the return of his deposit in writing. If the lessor still does not make a refund or accounting within thirty days from the written demand, the lessor's failure to refund will be considered willful, and the tenant will be entitled to the greater of his actual damages or two hundred dollars. The court can also order the landlord to pay the tenant for his attorney's fees and court costs. An award of attorney's fees can often be more than the deposit and damages combined and can be the real incentive for the landlord to make a prompt refund once the tenant makes it clear that he is aware of the deposit laws.

For further information, review the supplied URL|||I know it's a pain in the butt, but you need to put together all of your records, get everything organized %26amp; take her to small claims court.

Can my grandma get back her deposit for an apartment if she decided not to rent the place anymore?

My grandma put in deposit for an apartment, she was suppose to move in but the manager did not finish fixing the place so the move in date was push back. During that time, another complex for low incomes had a vacant apartment and gave her the offer. The rent was cheaper and the place was better so she decided to take this one instead. She did call and tell the manager of the place she deposit to rent the place out. Can she get back all or part of her deposits?|||Read the contract. Everything hinges on that.

Because the place was not ready on the day she was supposed to move in, the contract was possible violated by the landlord.

A clause on deposits might make it possible for your grandmother to get back the deposit. Or it may have included a stipulation that the deposit is nonrefundable since it will form part of her rent, fees etc.

Read the contract|||Yes. Your grandma can get her deposit back because the apartment was not ready by the move in date, she has not take possession of the apt and no expense has incurred, therefore, she can cancel the contract without penalty.|||I think she should be able to get her money back

Anyone have their direct deposit declined and paper check mailed instead?

Our return was accepted and was in processing until a week before the 26th, when I had expected it to be direct deposited. I checked online and for some reason, my refund was shown to be mailed on the 2nd, instead of being direct deposited on the 26th. I called the IRS and they said it was because I had 0 tax liability and our refund was large. Well, I am a full-time college student, we have 3 dependents, and paid over $12,000 in interest on our house this year...not to mention other deductions, so we actually got back $200 more than we paid in. Not uncommon since I know people who get a couple of thousand in earned income credit over what they pay in.

Anyways, so they said they couldn't honor our direct deposit and that they would mail our check instead. The website does say now that the check has been mailed, but this all seems so weird to me. I've never heard of them declining a direct deposit because of a large refund and 0 tax liability. Has this happened to anyone else?|||Could it be that the direct deposit information was wrong and it just got rejected because of that.|||May have happened because if your refund was unusually large someone reviewed it personally and cut you a check to prove it is correct and not an error in filing.|||Sounds strange to me too. Last I heard they were encouraging Social Security recipients to have their money direct deposited to prevent lost or stolen checks. Why should the IRS do the opposite?|||Most likely the DD was rejected by the bank. If the name doesn't match or if there's an error in the routing or account numbers that can cause the reject. Some banks also match up the SSN on the deposit transaction. If both aren't on the account or of there's an error it can be rejected for that as well. I've had that happen myself.|||i have never heard of that. That makes no snese|||no, well, not yet|||After filing over 25,000 returns, yes I have heard of this. It happens about 2 to 5% of the time. The IRS cannot guarantee a direct deposit. It is possible there was a type in the routing number for example. The IRS cannot send to a non-existent bank.|||Could happen if your account number and routing number were mistyped.

Can my deposit be kept if I decide not to buy a used car from owner?

I palace a deposit on a car, then called the owner the next day and told him that I did not want to buy the car.|||That's what a deposit is.

I give you money to hold the car without selling as a token of interest. It's not the same thing as saying "Hey can you hold the car till I make up my mind?"

In most cases they will refund your money ANYWAY.. but don't be shocked if you ever try this again and they tell you no.

Make sure of what you want before giving any more money to anyone.

.|||If you signed a no refund agreement he can keep it. Otherwise he owes it to you. You may have to go to small claims to get it.|||in some cases yes, what you did was to agree, to buy the car, but now did you sign a paoer, saying you want to try the car for x number of days,,, he has the right, to hold some of the money,, but it still fall back to if you can prove, you gave him a depoice|||that's why you gave the deposit as an agreement to buy the car and part of that agreement was he would not sell to anyone else and stop looking for buyers so he has the right to keep it if you back out. If this is a dealer you are dealing with you may be able to talk your way into a refund since he wants to look good to the community but he doesn't have to be a nice guy! good luck.

Another deposit is called “travertine;” it’s calcium carbonate, CaCO3. Travertine is deposited at both?

moderate temperature warm springs and boiling springs, but many boiling springs do not deposit travertine. Could travertine deposition be because HCO3- is converted to CO2 and CO3-2 with a corresponding increase in pH in hot water?|||IT IS CaCo3... it forms in hot spring only... wont form anywhere else.

Can I still sue my landlord if my security deposit was received?

The state where I live allows 30 days for a landlord to return a security deposit. After 45 days at least 3 phone calls to my landlord, my security deposit had not been refunded. I finally threatened my landlord with a lawsuit, and the check arrived in a few days. Can I still sue my landlord for the 1.5 times the deposit amount even though I have received the check, because of the violation of time frame?|||You can sue til the cows come home if you want.|||You could go through with it if you have proof of when you received the money and copies of your communication with your landlord.

It depends how high the deposit was if it's really worth it. It is a hassle, if I were you, I would just be happy I got the money and let it go, but that would be up to you.|||What's your loss exactly - the interest you could have earned on the check had you received it on time? hardly worth it....|||You'll spend more money and time, and probably won't win, it's a waste of your time.|||And when the Judge ask you what your loss is, what are you going to say???|||you won you got Your money now move on.

I am going to give my landlord a 24 day notice, do i have to call him?

I have already stayed for my lease over 3 months, and i am moving, so i have written a notice of vacating the porperty, do i still have to call him and tell him? And also, can he keep my deposit because i didn't give a full 30 day notice?

Thanks!|||He could keep your deposit, but if you call him and leave on good terms he might give it back to you.

I had a lease where I was supposed to give 60 days notice, but after being there for over a year, never being late for rent, and taking care of the property, my landlord wished me all the best and gave me my deposit back with only 30 days notice.|||Most places that I've lived at ask for 60 days...|||YES! They WILL keep your deposit if you do not give full 30 days notice. You are also required to pay rent thru the full 30 days. If you are breaking a lease, then there will be other charges as well. Your lease will state what those are.

If you cannot pay these at move out then, they will sue you for it.

You are not required to call as well as the written notice. But he will probably call you as soon as he gets it.|||Most state's landlord tenant laws require the termination notice be in writing. Also, if you fail to give 30 days - or one full rental month depending on your state's laws - YES, the landlord can deduct the rent due through the notice period from your deposit.|||No you don't have to call if you've given written notice. Yes he can keep the deposit because the notice wasn't 30 days unless you paid through the 30th and just left on the 24th day.

How do you tell a college you aren't going there after sending the deposit?

I sent in the deposit to go to one school, but then I got into another school that I'd rather go to off the waitlist after May 1. Is there a particular way I go about telling the first college I'm not going there? Do I just call them, and thats it, or are there other steps? The colleges website doesn't really say|||You want it in writing so there is no confusion about your name or intentions. You could send them an email or letter in the mail.

How do I get my deposit back?

I'm living in the UK, renting a place and may soon need to leave because I think the Lanlord intends to sell.

The problem is the estate agent that arranged the contract between me and the landlord has gone bust and they have my month's deposit.

The estate agent were called Homecrest Residential if that helps.

Thanks.|||you dont get your deposit back

did you start to rent after April the first last year if so your deposit or bond should have been brought the government scheme.

if the estate agent as your deposit it is lost


there you will find your answer. go to the courts to enforce it.

good luck|||take some pic and be read to show any one that the place looks the same as when you first moved in hate to say but if you really want money back you may have to take him to small claims Court. good luck|||It is your landlord's responsibility to look after the deposit, so chase him (legally if necessary) to get it back. Also, have the house professionally cleaned before you leave so the landlord can't keep any part of the deposit.|||under english law your deposit must be put in a bank account by the landlord as your money. It is not the landlords money it is yours. If they have breached contract then you are entitled to your deposit. The deposit is there to pay for damage tenants may do or other breaches on the part of the tenant. if the landlord decides to alter his intent then that is not your fault therefore you are entitled to your deposit back. sue the landlord.|||It depends.

Many estate agents turn over the deposit money to the landlord. If that is the case, the landlord will return it at the end of the lease.

You may also ask the landlord about the deposit since many business insurance policies, which your landlord will have, cover this sort of loss. The landlord should be helpful in this matter.

Many estate agents maintain separate accounts for deposits. If that is the case, the company accounts and the deposit accounts will not have anything to do with each other. Simply contact the executor (if they are in bankruptcy) and they will advise you.

If the company didn't maintain separate accounts and they have gone bankrupt or simply disappeared, then you are probably out of luck. You can of course file a small claims suit against them, but chances are you will not get the money back.

best wishes

Moved out 6 weeks ago and after 21 days no written notice or deposit?

sent a certified letter over the weekend demanding my full deposit the landlord called said the owner just sent a check.Here is the main question what do I do if is not the full amount I payed?|||You shoiuld bget the full amount unless their is damage to the apartment beyond fair wear and tear. Always difficult to define eg does the coffee you spilled on the wall require the whole room to be repainted?|||Just a quick footnote.I did get my full deposit back after I sent them a certified letter demanding it back.So thanks for all the advice.Happy New Year!

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|||Landlord is most likely not going to give you your deposit back. You need to file a suit in small claims court. If the Landlord claims he kept the deposit b/c of damages, check the deadline for landlords to keep your deposit. In some states, a Landlord must supply the tenant with a WRITTEN letter stating whether a security deposit is going to be held for damages and it must states EXACTLY what the damages are for. It sounds like he has already passed that deadline. File your claim in Housing Court and sue for TREBLE damages. They will serve the Landlord with Notice to Sue and he will get a copy of the court date. Good luck.|||The owner has 30 days from your departure to write you and explain why he is keeping your deposit detailing the damages. If you dont receive full amount and landlord did not explain why he kept part of the deposit, then you can file a claim in small claims court. If you dont accept the amount of the check I would not cash it. In some states if landlord did not send your deposit back in 21 days and did not inform you what he was deducting for damages you can sue for double damages.|||If you do not get payment in full then you have to sue them.

EDIT: They lost any right to damages when they broke the law. When a landlord does not send a final accounting with in the required 21 days they lose all rights to the deposit.

EDIT: Don't cash it %26amp; follow through with the small claims. If you cash it that is accepting the partial payment %26amp; it could hurt you in court. Take the check to court as proof they tried to illegally withhold part of the deposit past the 21 days.|||Do not cash the under sized check. Call the responsible party and ask for a sit down meeting. If he declines, take him to court.|||You sue them in small claims court.|||Go to small claims

If I have put a deposit on an apartment, and the current renter pulls their notice, am I still entitled to it?

I put down a deposit on a townhome, and called back to get my new address, and they said the current rentor (leasee) had pulled notice. Now they are trying to stick me somewhere else. Do they have any legal obligation to give me the townhome they promised?|||No they do not.|||No. They can't give you an apartment that is already rented and the current tenants can't be forced to move. If you are not happy with being somewhere else they offer you might win in small claims to get your deposit back|||Not at all likely. Even if you signed a lease, it very likely has a clause that would terminate it if the unit in question is no longer available.

Your deposit is money to prevent the landlord from leasing it to someone else. Of course, if the unit does not become available, then the landlord will have to give you back your deposit, or provide you with a unit you find satisfactory. The choice is yours, really.

Don't let them tell you that the deposit was for "any old" apartment, it was for a set one. If you don't want another one, take your money and walk. It is highly unlikely that you would be able to get any damages beyond that deposit for them not renting you that unit.

Regarding a deposit for a cell phone from Verizon?

Since I have no credit history Verizon wants to charge me $800 for a deposit on two phones under the basic family plan.

I think it's a little unreasonable and was wondering if anyone had any luck lowering that numer if I were to call or something.|||Wireless Carriers will not lower Deposits... They are based on your credit score and credit history and the likelyhood that you will not pay your bill or pay your bill on time...

now... if you wanna wait 7-10 days for a cell phone and a call back, you can plead your case to a Area Manager at their Credit and Activations dept. Pretty much you will kiss Verizon's @ $ $ over the phone and beg for a lower deposit... LOL... even after the loves and doves, the manager still can simply say---NO

but good luck

Can i call irs to see if they sent "direct deposit "stimulus yet?

This link will tell you when and how much you should receive for your stimulus payment:鈥?/a>

If you don't have all your information handy, you can go by this loose schedule, but these dates are not guaranteed:,,id=180鈥?/a>|||It'd probably be easier to call your bank and check your most recent deposits.|||The deposit should be relatively instantaneous, so if your bank account does not show the deposit, it likely hasn't been sent yet.|||if it's not in your bank, it's not in yet.|||The IRS web site tells you when you should expect to get yours.

Remember that the refund is proportional to the amount of taxes you paid last year (up to a certain limit). So if you did not pay any taxes or paid a minimal about - you will not get a refund.

Also - if you have any outstanding debt to the government (unpaid taxes, fines, etc) that money will be taken out of your refund.

How long does it take for PayPal to deposit money..?

Hi. I recently received a payment from an eBay member, so I went and logged on to my account, and it says that the transaction has been completed and that I should shipped the item..but when I call my bank, the amount of money isn't listed. How long will it take for PayPal to deposit the money I've received in my account?|||It will stay in your Pay Pal account unless you request it be transferred to your bank. You could use the money directly from your pay pal account.|||if you are new to paypal, they will hold the money until the item is received by the buyer and they leave you feedback. Make sure when you ship the item, you get a tracking number and enter it in on ebay and paypal, so they know you shipped it. Without that, it is possible you might not get paid. Paypal is kind of shady that way, they are good about buyer security, but not seller security.if you check your paypal and the money is available to you, you have to hit withdraw funds so it goes into your bank account and then it should take no more than 3 or 4 days.|||You have to actually transfer the money from paypal into your bank account. It can be instant or can take upto 3 days to transfer, 3 business days BTW (Monday thru friday)

You know you can ship the item right from paypal as well.

Can a company call and make threats of legal action for not making your payments on a product?

I got a computer from a company when i was in the army. it was set up for a direct deposit plan for payment. i'm unemployed now since i've gotten out. the company has been calling my references that i gave and leaving messages that if i dont call them they will take legal action. one of my references got 2 messages on the answering machine in one day. is this against the law? would i be able to do something about this?|||They have violated the Federal Fair Debt Collection Act. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (aka FDCPA), 15 U.S.C. 搂 1692 et seq., is a United States statute added in 1978 as Title VIII of the Consumer Credit Protection Act. Its purposes are to eliminate abusive practices in the collection of consumer debts, to promote fair debt collection and to provide consumers with an avenue for disputing and obtaining validation of debt information in order to ensure the information's accuracy. The Act creates guidelines under which debt collectors may conduct business, defines rights of consumers involved with debt collectors, and prescribes penalties and remedies for violations of the Act. It is sometimes used in conjunction with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

They are not allowed to contact with third parties: revealing or discussing the nature of debts with third parties (other than the consumer's spouse or attorney) or threatening such action. They may only call third parties in order to get information so that they can contact you.

They may only contact you between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

If you ask them in writing to stop contacting you, they must stop. However, they will probably sue to collect the debt.

The Federal Trade Commission has the authority to administratively enforce the FDCPA using its powers under the Federal Trade Commission Act. For information on how to file a complaint, follow this link:|||Of course! Pay the bill|||No you can't. They are supposedly not allowed to harass you, but calling and telling you to contact them is not harassing you. Call them and work something out. You owe them the money.

Does motel 6 require a cash deposit if paid in cash?

I need to check into a room,

but I do not have a credit card.

I know some motels require you to leave

a cash deposit.

I called the motel but all they said was

"All I need a picture ID"

She made no mention of a credit card or cash deposit?

can anyone tell me from experience?

and if I do pay in cash how much is the Deposit

at the motel 6?

Thank you!|||Well the decision wouldn't apply to all Motel 6's as they are franchised and each one is individually owned.

But generally, lower quality motels like Motel 6 don't require a deposit. They just require ID and payment in full at check-in.|||most require a credit card even though they don't say. If they don't need a credit card, I think they charge an extra night or two. Probably will have to pay in full before you stay|||Call them back and ask.

Probably a deposit.

Everytime I make a deposit at the teller window, my teller calls her boss up front when I am there. Why?

I am making money collections legally and I make deposits often to my bank on a new account and when I make them at the window, my teller calls her boss to come up front.This has happened three times and once inside.I smell a rat. Why is this and should I be worried for any reason?|||Frequent deposits of cash can indicate money laundering, that is funds from illegal activity. You have probably not hit the threshold of 5,000 for a single transaction. but banks are required to report suspicious activity. Federal penalties are very high for failure to monitor. The teller is taking no chances.

If your business is legal and a cash type business, ask to speak to the branch manager and provide an explanation of your business and proof. then you should be ok. the bank has no choice but to monitor your activity.

Once a year i am required by where I work to take a course in money laundering and then certify that i am unaware of any such activities.|||Back in the old days, people used to bury their money in a mason jar. I think some of the old people still like this idea. Being as yoru going to get accused of a federal offense for depositing, I guess it is the safest way to do things still to day to keep your freedom.

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How does the Deposit Protection Scheme work?

I'm a tenant, my tenancy will end on 30th June. My landlord put my deposit on the DPS and they sent me the letter with the ID e.t.c, how do I get my money back after the tenancy is over. Do I call the DPS myself or does the landlord do that and gives the money back to me?|||The landlord

"Moving Out

At the end of the tenancy, check whether you are leaving the property and its contents in the condition in which it was let to you - allowing for fair wear and tear- and check that you have paid your rent and any other expenses. Then agree with your landlord or agent how much of the deposit should be returned to you.

Within 10 days 鈥?you should have received the agreed amount of the deposit."

Someone hit my car and left a deposit slip?

Someone hit my car and broke the front light while I was in the store. They left a Chase deposit slip with their account number but without a name. This has never happened to me before. If I call the bank are they allowed to give me their name?|||NO the bank cannot legally give the information to u u would just be wasting ur time........fill out a hit and run police report and they can track the person down.....

or u could give it to ur insurance company and they could do the same tho ur rates will go up if u don't file the police report...|||either go to the bank and see if they can help or go to the police. once you find out who they are you can make their insurance pay for it|||Call your auto insurance people and fax them a copy. They will take it from there.|||Got to the bank in person...It'll be easier that way.

What does a returned deposit mean ?

If i deposit a check and i call or check online and i see returned deposit , what excatly does Returned Deposit mean ?|||it means the instrument you deposited, be it a personal or company check, BOUNCED, and they deducted the amount of said check plus processing fees immediately from your account....|||sounds like the check bounced.|||The check did not cash|||It means the check you deposited into your account was returned for insufficient funds, closed account or a stop payment. So they reverse the credit from your available funds|||I would think that this means that the check didn't clear (was bad) and it didn't get deposited.|||. It means that a check you deposited from someone was no good and was sent back to the bank it was written on. The amount of the bounced check and usually a fee too is deducted from your balance when that happens. A deposited check that bounces (the deposited check is returned unpaid by the bank on which it is drawn) is deducted automatically on the depositor鈥檚 bank statement|||normally it means the check you deposited was made of rubber and it bounced!!!

On my taxes 2007 I got what is called anticipation loan that was direct deposit into my bank acct.?

Will the IRS deposit the stimulas check the same way even though I used the anticipation loan route? I'm afraid the IRS wont have my bank acct # since the bank that issued the loan deposited my refund not the IRS.|||Direct deposit of refund does not mean direct deposit of stimulus payment.

If you used a tax service or tax program and paid your fee with your anticipated refund or got a RAL, a 3rd party bank was involved and the IRS does not have your bank information so they will mail your stimulus check.|||As long as something for your taxes was direct deposit the rebate check should be the same. I had my return put on the HR block debit card.|||You will get paper check.

For information on stimulus tax rebate schedule, the eligibility and how much rebate you will get read:鈥?/a>|||You're correct, the IRS won't have your info so you'll get a check in the mail.

I got a call from the national healthstyles foundation saying that I won a prize. Do I really get the prizes?

After attending the an Oregon Bridal show I got a call saying that I had won a free vacation and $1000 dollars in gift certificates. I've read from peoples blogs and posts that you have to play a $100 deposit and taxes to get the trip. I was wondering what about the girt certificates. Will they really be handing those out or do I need to pay a bunch of money before I get those too?|||This is a scam. Basically this is a big, less reputable, tupperware party. The presentation that we went to was supposed to be 90 minutes, it was around 2 1/2 hours.

They give you a voucher for "$1000 dollars in gift certificates" It is actually about a thousand dollars worth of coupons. Which you have to pay 10% up front to the company to get. Then they will try to say that you will get $300 dollars wot of merchandise gift cards. WRONG - it is another scam. You have to send in money yet again to get discounts on merchandise. It is an online coupon program.

The worst of all is the vacation certificate. It really isn't worth the time and effort. You pay 10 dollars plus taxes and fees. Thos run about $40-$50 dollars a night per person. If you figure that most Hotels room rates include fees but not taxes. On the high end, for a $100 dollar room, you save $40 a night (taxes are around $7 to $10 a night so $40 - $10 = $30 dollars of savings per person). For a total, for a US stay of 2 nights, of $80 dollars. Now is that really worth 2 peoples time for 2 hours roughly works out to $20 dollars per hour per person. I get paid $29 dollars an hour, salary,at work. That is less than I get paid to work. Also don't forget the inital outlay of money.

They offer the all inclusive vacations because most, if not all, people that they bring to these seminars are plannig their weddings and do not make alot of money. They cannot take advantage of an all inclusive 3day/4night package outside of the country because they have to pay for their weddings and are low on cash. That is also after they sign for $2000.00 to $3000.00 dollars worth of cooking implements, china and stemware at the seminar. They know that very few people are going to put out any money for a program that they are unsure of to get back a "travel voucher" with blackout dates that has to be used one year from issuance.

Not to mention, you have to still pay your airfare and the stated taxes and fees (from where we live to Puerto Vallarta, that is $800 for 2). Taxes and fees for 2 people per night ($50 x 2 x 3 = 300). This "Free Vacation" is going to cost around $1100 dollars for us to take with them, for me to book the same trip to an all inclusive in Puerto Vallarta is $1,282.54 on expedia. They saved you a whopping 182.54 or $30.43 per night per person. They basically paid me my hourly wage to sit through a pots and pans seminar. No thanks.

This is a joke of a program. Like the other person said, if you have to pay money to get prizes you really have won nothing.

Also note that you send this to a Marketing Company (21 Century Marketing Concepts has the same address as National Health Styles Foundation). They will sell your name, and that money that they make from selling your personal information to other companies nets them more money.

Unless you are in the market for really expensive cookware, avoid going to these seminars. For a set of pans an pots you will pay from $2000 to $3000. The presenter was funny, but they are trying to cash in on young guillable couples and their families.

If you are planning a wedding, you should avoid these expenses. You have won nothing. The reward of at max $20-$30 dollars person and them selling your personal information. Versus coming out witha $2000-$3000 debt, plus them selling your personal information is not worth it.|||It is a marketing scam. It is not a "prize" if you have to PAY to get to go to their solicitation presentations. After you pay and go, your time is theirs to bombard you with intensive and pushy marketing presentations for you to obtain their services/goods. Many people come out with thousands of dollars worth debt for goods or services that they do not need just because you are trapped with a salesman that is telling that this is the way to "invest" in your household.

Be aware of trickery used on marketing scams that prey on naive couples that erroneously think that they have "won" something.

If you have to pay to go or to get your "gift", it is not a prize. If it is not free, then you have not won anything, do not be so gullible.

Good luck|||Usually not. You have to sit and listen to a 2-3 hours presentation where they try to get you to buy stuff.

How long does a transaction take when you deposit a check to the bank?

Two days ago I deposited a check to Bank Of America and when i checked online it says the transaction is pending. The next day I checked my online banking again and there's no record of the transaction being processed.. I wonder if it's normal or should i just call the bank to see what's wrong?|||Unless you deposit on a weekend, the amount of the check should post when the teller enters it into the computer. Some banks will hold it up to 10 days. The result is a wind fall (free money) for them as they collect the interest on your money. Join a credit union if you can. I can tell you, all of my deposits are immediately posted and available as cash for withdrawal.|||Call the bank.

They do the intake paperwork when they receive the check (or the day you manually deposit it at the bank) but their computer system won't record it being 'there' till it goes to the main bank. If a holiday or weekend is involved, it can delay things by up to 4 days. Usually it's done within 2 days. If you have questions though, just call the bank and ask if it's been approved and done.|||If you deposited the check on Saturday/Sunday, it won't post to the account until Tuesday or Wednesday. If it's during the week and before 1pm, it should post the next day, after 1 pm 2 days..

Can a spouse call for husbands weekly unemployment collections?

A friend's husband draws unemployment every week. he has to call on the day before deposits to claim the money. Is it ok if his wife makes the call through the automated voice system to claim the check for him? He is unable to make the call himself. any feedback would be appreciated.|||only if he is present.|||How or why is he unable to make the call?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Can I deposit a personal check at one of the Bank Of America ATM machine locations?

Last Tuesday, I went to Bank Of America online and apply for a on lone application to open a checking account. A ATM deposit information made me opened the account. My Bank Of America debit card came in the mail and it was quick. I call to activate my check card. My mom uses her bank which is Austin Bank Of Chicago and it was renamed ABC Bank. She'll write me a personal check before I'll start to deposit it at one of Bank Of America ATM locations.|||You can take the check she wrote to you and you can deposit it into your new account.

Just sign the back.|||yes if you are just depositing it all into your account, you should be fine. if you are worried then just go to the teller and youll get a reciept that it was deposited

I accepted a non refundable deposit only to find out I wasnt told everything?

I accepted a $500 non refundable deposit, after they told me that the hotel rooms have a shared washroom, this is not good for me. Is there any way I can get teh money back?

Im going to call the manager today and maybe she will refund it, but is there any law by my side?|||Nope, you did not read the fine print; if you purchased online with a credit card the company will not return your money. Chalk it up to experience;

I will never purchase through priceline, they will put you into a dump.

What can happen if i dont pay my electricity security deposit?

i live in maryland and pepco provides the electricity so i bought a house about 3 months ago and i never got a electricity bill so i decided to call and get the everything straight. they said i would have to pay a 290 deposit plus whatever my bill is. well my bill was only 60 dollars and the bill came out to 350. my question is what could possibly happen if i only pay what they say my bill is and never pay the security deposit?|||pay or set in the dark!!!!|||Why did you call when they weren't sending a bill? I had that happen to me and got free electricity for a year.|||Request a payment plan. otherwise they mat cut the connection.|||Does the term "lights out" ring a bell?

I sent my security deposit on January 16th and it's still not cashed, do I have anything to worry about?

I sent my security deposit for my new apartment on Friday, January 16th and as of today Sunday, January 25th, it still has not been cashed. Since Monday was a holiday, I was wondering if I should worry that it has not been cashed. Should I call tomorrow to do a follow up?! I'm sure they got it, as they probably would have called if they hadn't of gotten it because I called on the 15th telling them I would have it in the mail on the 16th.|||I would not panic but sure you can call and ask them about the check.

Good luck

What is the pest phone company to me if i think about deposit, low monthly payment,and unlimeted call ?

MagicJack....its only 19.95 per year.....and unlimited calling+ voice-mail...|||realince|||metropcs . but if you want the best coverage it would be verizon.|||i use vonage if you have high speed internet now it works great and if you use 3302940816 as a referral you will get the first 2 months free other than the taxes on it which will be about 3-4 bucks a month|||Visit this website. You may find your answer.|||AT%26amp;T

iPhone|||Maybe u should try out the Cordia VOIP Magellan plan at . Cordia VOIP Magellan plan enable callers to dial the Magellan number that they provided to u and reach u on the landline or mobile phone wherever you are in the world with their local rates.

Or u can try out Cordia VOIP other plans at

They are running a promotion right now where u can enjoy the first month free for all Cordia VOIP plans. The promotion code is AGLEEX182X. But if u forgot to enter this code, u will not enjoy the first month free.

Cordia VoIP or broadband phone service can help save customers up to 65 percent of their monthly phone bill. In addition, Cordia offers more than 25 international calling plans along with the ability to choose international phone numbers from more than 300 cities in more than 40 countries.

Cordia Ranks 3rd among Top VoIP Providers by Recent Consumer Survey Ranks 163 Providers on User Feedback.

Good luck.

My old landlord wont return my calls. deposit?

I have moved out of my old apartment complex since april 1, 2009. I have called the complex several times to talk to management about my deposit, but they never answer and when they do they just take a message for them to get back at me. i do leave a message on the answering machine and with the secretary with my current number, but they refuse to return my call. they have not called or mailed me about my deposit. I just want to know if i will get one or not? but how can i find out when i cant talk to anyone? please help with any advice|||Google the laws in your state. Your landlord may have a limited time to return the deposit or give you a good reason why they're not returning it. If your landlord doesn't comply with the law, they may have to pay you back double (depending on the laws in your state).

Request your deposit in writing. Send the letter by certified mail so that you have proof that you sent it. Indicate in your letter to the landlord that you're also sending a copy of this letter to your local housing authority- and be sure to send that copy by certified mail as well.|||They are obviously blowing you off, go by there personally and see wtf.|||Stop off a court and file a complaint.|||In most states a landlord has 30 days to return your deposit and if he withholds any part of it must provide you with a detailed list of expenses he withheld for. You could file in small claims court but be sure they have no reason to be keeping it

Who do I call first in regards to my paycheck?

Usually, at my job, for those of us that have direct deposit, we get paid on Saturday morning but this time everyone's check was late being put in (by like, a couple of hours). But mine still hasn't gone in. People are telling me to start calling around, but who do I call first? The bank or the company I work for?|||You could call the bank, but they won't be open today. They'll be open tomorrow morning, and I'm going to guess that your check will be deposited by then as well.|||Contact your bank first. In these days of electronic wire transfers, ie: direct deposits, the non-deposit of your check could be due to a power failure at the bank, computers were down at the time, or some other problem. If there were no problems at the bank, check with your payroll office to make sure it was sent. Even though it is direct deposit, the information must be put into the computer by a person and subject to human error.

When to expect a direct deposit tax refund?

I know its premature, but I'm just curious!

I filled out the papers at "tax tyme"on friday, got the call on saturday that it was done (wow that was fast!) And went in to pay the fee on sunday.

Its always direct deposit for me, but its a pain to always check the account lol anybody know roughly how long it takes?|||Wait at least a week. 7 to 10 business days is normal for straightforward tax refunds.|||As a rule, with no problems, it should be in your account within 10 business days.|||Yup, 5-10 business days

Is there a way out of the Tenancy Deposit Law?

I am a landlord and am just in the process of letting out another property. I have been told that instead of taking a deposit you can take extra money but call it something else, is this true? Not keen on putting the money in a goverment account where they hog all the interest on the money.|||You can require what ever you want and call it what ever you want as long as you fully disclose if it is refundable or not and if so, the terms on which it is refunded to the tenant.|||i would assume you have an attorney on retainer, ask him|||I sure wouldn't rent anything I didn't get a deposit on.

The government is going retarted.

I wouldn't trust a bunch of greedy government people with my deposit money look what they did with social security, they robbed it blind.

Is there a way out of the Tenancy Deposit Law?

I am a landlord and am just in the process of letting out another property. I have been told that instead of taking a deposit you can take extra money but call it something else, is this true? Not keen on putting the money in a goverment account where they hog all the interest on the money.|||I don't know the answer to your question. You may want to tell us what state you are in. I still won't be able to help, but someone else might!

My last 2 are 10 and I filed in Jan using direct deposit. I don't owe any govn't loans..etc... I'll call IRS

Is the IRS even there today?|||OK, you do that.|||good luck with that|||Yeah you may have to. Their phone system isn't giving out updated information and the link to "where is my stimulus payment" gives most people error messages. It's best you call - but even the operators are giving very vague answers.|||Yeah. I keep reading the questions from today and people keep saying they talked to someone at the IRS office. I would love to know where you are calling. The only thing that I get is automated, with no option to talk to an operator. And by the way, Bostonian, you rock! Almost all of the questions that I have read, you give wonderfully detailed answers to.

The IRS is answering the phone today! CALL.

1800-829-1040. Select option 7. They will reroute you and then when they ask you if you want to find out the status of your stimulus check, DO NOTHING. They will ask twice. Then they connect you with an actual live operator. When I called, I told her I was checking on the status of my stimulus check. Very friendly and they will verify where your Direct Deposit is going and what day to expect it. Good luck and let us know what you find out!|||IRS phone representatives were not given any information on the stimulus rebates, noteven any detailed training on the stimulus rebates other that what is on the website. So don't blame the phone rep from not being able to provide an answer.

How can I get an unemployment payment changed from debit card to direct deposit in Texas?

Please only serious, applicable answers. The phone numbers I call only give recorded options. I haven't been able to connect with a live person. Just need to change from receiving payments via debit card to direct bank deposit in Texas. Thanks for your help.|||Here is a link to the Card itself.

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about receiving unemployment. It isn't like it is a trip to the amusement park to have to receive aid. people forget that.|||Things have changed since 2009. Texas now offers direct deposit. In the current Web interface, please go to鈥?and look for Payment Option near the bottom.

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|||I honestly don't think that is an option. When I was on unemployment last year, the only option was the debit card.

When I google looking for information about direct deposit in Texas, I don't find anything unrelated. However, there are tons of links from the state about the debit card. This leads me to believe there is no direct deposit option.

What I did was just immediately empty the card at an ATM and deposit it into my account each time the state added funds.|||Most states don't do that. The debit card is the only way. You can go and transfer the amount to a bank account. From your phone. You can check it here....|||you should be able to do that online. id go to their website and see if you can change your payment method. thats what i did, i never spoke to a single person and it took me about 15 min.|||Every county has an unemployment office. You need to go there and ask or look in the phone book under government offices.|||@rabid

Who's giving anyone crap for collecting unemployment? The amount of tax that I'm extorted out of the whole time I AM working, I damned sure better get something out of it.|||Well you are getting unemployment. Should be good enough. Good luck finding that job.|||I doubt you will have that option these days, but go to your local Workforce Commission office. They can help.

What happens when the IRS refunds money via direct deposit to a closed account?

my brother filed his tax return and chose to have the funds direct deposit into his bank account. his wallet got stolen and someone messed up his bank account using his debit card, etc, so bank of america decided to close the account out and give him a new one. the IRS was sent the direct deposit on Thursday night but the account it was sent to is closed. what happens now? does he lose the money? who should we call?|||It bounces back to the IRS, which then sends a paper check.|||The IRS would get the money back from the bank. Then you would need to contact them (IRS) to get the money deposited in the right account.|||The irs then sends a check|||VB's answer is correct.

Who do i call to get my damage deposit back?

i lived in an apt for 3 yrs. about the second year our ground floor apt. floors were soaked every time it rained. We notified the rental manager and had several visits from various people including carpet cleaners. i informed the agent that we were looking for a new place as mold was growing in our apt. we were in a lease. i have a three yr old son. and i don't think i should have to subject him to an unsafe environment. i eventually moved out when we found a place suitable for us. now the owner of the apt won't give the damage dep. back because we broke the lease. whom shall i call? Edmonton alberta canada.|||Who determined the apartment was unsafe to live in? A judge? The security deposit is often used to pay for damages at the end of a lease tern, but the real purpose of the deposit is to assure you will honor the lease until it ends. When you opted to break the lease and move elsewhere on your own, you forfeited your security deposit. Read the lease, it explains this fact. Feel free to call a lawyer, they will explain the same thing to you.|||These are the types of questions lawyers get rich from! Your best bet is to speak to a lawyer. Make sure you bring any records you have of the incidents mentioned above.

Hopefully it won't cost more to pay a lawyer and take time off work than the deposit is worth?

Good luck and don't give up!|||You can try and sue him in small claims court but you must have proof of the damages in question.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that you won't be getting your security deposit back.|||You did break the lease, and are not entitled to the return of your deposit.

What to do if landlord has not returned deposit from oral agreement?

Hi, I'd like any advice on what to do.

I needed short term housing from the beginning of Sept until the end of Oct. I found a nice place (in New Rochelle, NY) and the landlord and I had an oral agreement of $600 per month plus a 1 months deposit of $600. So I paid her $1200 cash up front. And I did not get a receipt or anything.

The next month comes and I pay her another $600 cash. And when it is time to leave, she says she will mail a check to my permanent address. I'm a quiet tenant and took care of the room and restored it to exactly the same condition as when I moved in.

So far, nearly six months have passed and I have not received my deposit back. I have called her several times and she sites financial hardships. Am I screwed or do I have any chance of recovering my deposit?|||Screwed, and you have learned a hard lesson. As much as you may want to have faith in peoples good words and good intentions, ALWAYS get it in writing. There is no way this woman is going to give you the money back, and if you tried to take her to small calims, she could just lie, and you would end up not getting the money. Without a written, signed agreement, all you can do is hope that people will live up to their word, and sadly, they usually don't.|||yep, you're screwed. you have no legal method of recovering your deposit, unless there was a witness who will testify to the arrangements. you would still need to sue to recover. bottom line-yeah, your screwed.|||Sorry for the bad news but real estate contracts are valid only if in writing. The best thing you can do now is document this in writing and try to get her to agree to some term of re-payment. If you can get a written record that she agrees to pay you this money, you may be able to take her to Small Claims Court. Otherwise you are somewhat at a disadvantage.

Good luck

What happens when one is not compensated for hours worked through direct deposit & in return recieves fees?

A letter sent to my employer:


I received a phone call today regarding the delay with the company鈥檚 Direct Deposit system. I am aware that there was a problem and understand there will be another delay with my expenses being deposited into my account. However, I do have a question, because I have not received a check for my hours worked for 2 weeks now, this inconvenience has caused continuous overdraft fees to my account resulting in approximately $200 of fees at my expense because my checks have not been deposited. Will the company cover these expenses?

Me|||That is a good letter but I would also speak with the bank. They might waive the fees if you sound sad enough. Speak with your payroll department at your job in person as well.|||unfortunatly, I beleive you are on the losing end of this fight because your empoyer never set up the direct deposit in the first place|||If the employer forces you to have direct deposit, which many do these day, you might have a slim chance. However, they didn't FORCE you to overdraw your account - your poor financial situation and money management skills aren't their fault. I would offer to accept the fees in lieu of you filing a claim against the company for uncompensated work with the state. Realistically, I would take half if they offered.