Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can my deposit be kept if I decide not to buy a used car from owner?

I palace a deposit on a car, then called the owner the next day and told him that I did not want to buy the car.|||That's what a deposit is.

I give you money to hold the car without selling as a token of interest. It's not the same thing as saying "Hey can you hold the car till I make up my mind?"

In most cases they will refund your money ANYWAY.. but don't be shocked if you ever try this again and they tell you no.

Make sure of what you want before giving any more money to anyone.

.|||If you signed a no refund agreement he can keep it. Otherwise he owes it to you. You may have to go to small claims to get it.|||in some cases yes, what you did was to agree, to buy the car, but now did you sign a paoer, saying you want to try the car for x number of days,,, he has the right, to hold some of the money,, but it still fall back to if you can prove, you gave him a depoice|||that's why you gave the deposit as an agreement to buy the car and part of that agreement was he would not sell to anyone else and stop looking for buyers so he has the right to keep it if you back out. If this is a dealer you are dealing with you may be able to talk your way into a refund since he wants to look good to the community but he doesn't have to be a nice guy! good luck.

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