Monday, December 12, 2011

How do I get my deposit back from my old landlord who refuses to answer my calls?

I've been to his house, I've called him repeatedly but i'm not getting any luck.

I paid a 500 deposit for a six month contract on a room in a house in London. Then when i moved out after the agreed six months, i was told by the landlord (who by the way wrote me an excellent recommendation for my new landlord) that he would send the money on. But he hasn't.

It's been more than two months and I'm literally living pound by pound, all my money goes on rent and im finding it very hard to make ends meet.

Is there ANY way that anyone knows of that I could pursue to get my money back? Unfortunatly i simply wouldnt be able to go down the legal route as I barely have enough money to buy food. Literally.

I'm grateful for any help ye's can give me. Thanks.|||There should be a Housing Advice Centre near you. Where there is local council properties there is usually the advice centre. Go and tell them what you have just put on here, they can get in touch with the landlord for you and inquire about your deposit. He has no right to keep this money. If not contact your local CAB either online or at the office itself. Good luck x|||The small claims court is your best bet, if you've exhausted the Citizens' Advice Bureaux route. The SCC is cheap and cheerful and you can start the process online.|||first write him a few letters and keep copies for your records after 2 to 3 letters if there is no response take him to court and bring the copies of your letters with you|||Send those letters by registered mail so you can prove he recived them.|||Get an application form from the small claims court and inform your landlord you are doing so. He might pay up before you go any further. If you go ahead with your claim the application will cost you but I think he will have to pay your costs. Check this with the court, they are usually very helpful.|||say that you will seek legal aid if he does not pay you. or if you know where he lives, then try to ask him face to face in a calm manner. if all else fails, then you should get a freind to knee cap him. lol.|||The best thing I can tell you is to take him to small claims court. I experienced the same thing with a landlord that I paid 400.00 to and I never moved in. I had to take him to court to get money back. No where in the contract did it say he could keep my money and I won.|||In the states, we have what's called "small claims court" which only costs you a $20-35 fee for filing. Maybe you have something like this where you live?

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