Monday, December 12, 2011

Can a landlord keep your security deposit even if you didnt move in?

I got a job offer to move to another location but i gave a deposit at this apartment place about 4 days ago. now i call the place and they say they cant give the deposit back!! Is this even legal!! I mean i never move in yet? nor signed the agreement yet|||if you signed no agreement no. but why would you pay if you didn't sign that was pretty dumb.|||Since you had no signed agreement, more than likely you are going to have to sue this landlord in small claims to get your deposit back.|||It would all have to do with the agreement mad at time of deposit. In my experience this is legal and this is proper. However, given the specifics of it, and the fact that laws can vary a lot from region or even municipality, it might really benefit you to solicit the advice a legal team, ie a lawyer who specializes in Real Estate law. I have never known anyone to one give the security deposit without a signed agreement, or more importantly to cancel as soon as you are. I do hope you have a receipt proving this money was accepted right? This will be very important. My first inclination is money is gone. You can't get it back. But given the circumstances, you may live in an area that will honor a clause allowing you under these circumstances to back out. But I would get right on it. Again, if you find local legal aid they will be able to give you the most accurate information. Saving you money and time, which is also lots of money. Well good luck and hope you are able to reclaim this lot.|||Was your deposit considered a "holding deposit"???|||not totally sure,because you did give a deposit !

but, you did not sign a lease , you should get some if not all of the deposit back !

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