Monday, December 12, 2011

How do I get the landlord to give my deposit back?

I signed a lease with the landlord 11 days ago. However he refused to give me a copy and told me come back next week for keys. After that he started ignoring my calls and not responding to my messages. He called me the other day claiming he was "out of the country" and he'll give me keys this weekend. I told him I wanted a copy of the lease and he said he would call me tomorrow. He never called and still ignores my calls. I am positive he's still showing the apartment to prospective tenants because my friend emailed him and got a reply back saying he was showing the apartment ON THE SAME DAY HE WAS SUPPOSED TO CALL ME SO I COULD PICK UP THE LEASE. I do not want to rent from this guy. How do I get my money back? I left a cash deposit, which I have a reciept. He doesn't pick up my number, my fiance's number or blocked calls.|||I'd call the police. What you're describing is a crime, not merely a financial/contract issue. It's like he's running a scam. If the police won't do anything, then go to the magistrates office and file against him. The secretary in the magistrates office will help you fill out the forms. After you win before the magistrate, you can do a sherrif's sale on his personal property to collect your deposit and any court costs you incurred if he doesn't pay you in a timely manner.

Edited to FocalBlur: He/she paid by cash but has a receipt. Even though there's no contract, he/she has a case because people don't just give money to people for no reason--a service should be rendered. I agree saving the advertisements, keeping a log of phone calls, what was said on what date and what occurred, will back up the case. But he/she's not screwed for paying cash since he/she did get a reciept.|||I suggest to get a lawyer to write you a letter using their letterhead stating that you will sue him because a security deposit is held by the tenant on your behalf. The problem you are going to have is that you don't have the contract. You should of never gave the deposit without getting a signed contract. Also.. you need to get copies of the emails, log all your calls, and maybe get a bank statement if you wrote a check.. basically you need a paper trail and I'm hoping you didn't pay in cash. Good Luck!!|||Go onto the website for your state and check with the attorney general about tenants' rights. Judge Judy would like to get ahold of him!|||I'd write him a letter demanding the money by a certain date or you're taking him to small claims court.|||by law he has up to 30 days unless stated on your lease... now if he keeps it longer then he must pay you interest|||hopefully your receipt says depositt for apt let him rent apt and hopefully he gives you your deposi back sounds like hes playing a game of some sort better to give a check you can put some thing in memo area like deposit for apt and give address and apt number its better Prof well written outgood luck ps never give cash stupid allways check at least you can put a stop payment on it

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