Monday, December 12, 2011

Who do I call first in regards to my paycheck?

Usually, at my job, for those of us that have direct deposit, we get paid on Saturday morning but this time everyone's check was late being put in (by like, a couple of hours). But mine still hasn't gone in. People are telling me to start calling around, but who do I call first? The bank or the company I work for?|||You could call the bank, but they won't be open today. They'll be open tomorrow morning, and I'm going to guess that your check will be deposited by then as well.|||Contact your bank first. In these days of electronic wire transfers, ie: direct deposits, the non-deposit of your check could be due to a power failure at the bank, computers were down at the time, or some other problem. If there were no problems at the bank, check with your payroll office to make sure it was sent. Even though it is direct deposit, the information must be put into the computer by a person and subject to human error.

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