Monday, December 12, 2011

How long does my landlord have to return my deposit after I leave the premises?

Left the house spotless (even did the windows and cleaned the carpets)...30 days notice...everything by the book.

How long does he have to give me my deposit back? I have called him and he is acting shady about it.|||Here's the link for the Kentucky Landlord Tenant Act the security deposit chapter.|||I don't know legally, but I know he has time to inspect the property to assess the damage and make the repairs.

I'm going through this now. My landlord needed to do a lot of work on the house, and he hasn't asnwered when I've asked the status of the remainder of the security deposit. But, he also waits until we prove we pay the water bill, so if you owe any utilities that could be holding up the process as well.|||2 to 4 weeks after they get the keys back...but if you leave any garbage or something wrong they will deduct whatever cost out of the deposit|||He has 30 days to either return the deposit or provide you with an itemized list of deductions.|||Check local law. In some places you are entitled to a penalty, too. But I'd file a claim in small claims court immediately.

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