Thursday, December 8, 2011

Should I call my former landlord about the security deposit?

My lease at my former residence was up on Oct. 14. In the state I live in, the landlord has 30 days to return the security deposit less damages. I don't believe I left any damages. It is now 6 days left until the landlord is late. Should I call him to find out why it's taking so long? If there aren't any damages and he can't make interest on the money (it's the law, the money must go to a non interest bearing account), why is he waiting so long? I know he has 30 days, but it was only a one bedroom condo. Shouldn't take long to figure out there's no major damage.|||You should call, but also send a letter via Registered Mail or pay for Delivery Confirmation/Signature Required stating you are inquiring about your security deposit and it has been so many days since you moved. This way, you are covered that you did try to contact him.

Did you provide 30 days notice before leaving, even though your lease was going to end? You have to give 30 days notice, otherwise the law says you automatically enter into a month-to-month lease.

|||Did you do a walk through with your former landlord when you moved out? If not, he can claim all types of damages from dirty carpet to scratched appliances to major items. Just call and ask when you may expect your money.|||You might call and ask if the check will be mailed, or if you can pick it up in person. That might remind him, if he has forgotten, or has hoped that you had forgotten. :)

You didn't mention how many properties your landlord owns, but it might be that he has had problems getting repair estimates.

If you have a tenant's council, you might consult with them to see if they have suggestions.

Good luck.|||A simple short/nice phone call is acceptable. Simply ask how soon they will be issuing your refund check. It never hurts to ask but please be nice about it. Your landlord may be very busy trying to get the place rented again and may be painting and replacing carpet and such. After all, they still have 6 more days.|||Margo A is right. But you are wrong about the account your security is in. It is suppose to be in an interest bearing account. I am a landlord

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