Thursday, December 8, 2011

How do I get my deposit back from a rental property?

I have moved out from a rental house almost two months ago. The owner keeps coming up with excuses why she cant give the deposit back and telling me to call her back in a day or two. This has been going on for almost two months. I left the house in very clean condition with no damage whatsoever. I wouldnt worry about it but is is $1000! Is there anything I can do or say to get her to pay it back?|||The landlosrd is suppose (legally) get you your deposit back within 21 days.

Step 1 = Write a certified letter regarding your deposit to the Landlord, requesting your deposit back with a reposne by date. If he doesnt repsond by that date.

Step 2 = Go to your local court and file a small claims case. Multiple your deposit by 3, and say it is due to the landlord break the "Good Faith" Clause. You should be able to get your deposit plus more due to him not following renting guidlines.

In Ca breakin the good faith can result in 3x the amount of the deposit. It may vary in your state.|||The only thing i can think of is try and get a hold of the national renters association and make a complaint or tell your landlord in a written request that she has such and such amount of time to get you the deposit that she owes or you will take action against her and put dates of when you lived at the residence and when you moved out.. and make a copy for you records.. |||Remind her that she now owes you at least $2,000 because the law says she must pay you double if she doesn't return your deposit within 30 days. In some states, she will have to pay you triple the amount of the deposit. Google your state +security deposits.|||Is there a Small Claims Court in your area? You could go there, or see a brief and sue for Breach of Contract at the Civil Court.|||Tell her to give you your money or she can talk to your lawyer.|||send a certified letter stating you would like it refunded. If they still don't comply, you'll have to go to court

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