Thursday, December 8, 2011

What can I do to get my money back for a deposit on my summer vacation cottage?

I had put a deposit on a cottage and the owners sold it. They contacted me to tell me that I needed to find another place and that they would give my deposit back. I have called them several times because I haven't got the money back yet. He keeps blowing me off and told me that he had to check with the bank to see if the check cleared because he had mailed it. That was almost 3 weeks ago!

What can I do? Can I call the police or do I just have to count my losses? I'd appreciate any info or suggestions!!|||Forget the police, they have nothing to do in this case, this is a customer-merchant dispute, so you would have to go to civil court or to the small claim court (easier). You need to know how much is the limit to go to the small claim court and then file your claim.

But don't rush, at least give the guy 2 or 3 months counting from the first day; that way you can prove that you gave him a reasonable amount of time just in case this was a "stolen mail problem" (you wouldn't believe how many check are stolen by postal workers and mailbox burglars).|||You can take him to small claims court. Go to your local courthouse, speak with the secretary in front. He/she can give you the appropriate forms and direct your course of action.|||Threaten to sue him! Turn him into the attorney general!|||Small claims court ASAP before they have a chance to go away for the summer.|||While I agree that small claims court is your recourse, the LOCATION is where the agreement was consumated. Therefore, if you sent the check or handed it to the landlord in HIS location, that is where you need to file.

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